Have been struggling trying to get things done.
Trying to make a start here :)
I reviewed some applications and here is my report/shortlist:
1. Planning Next Day : Use a Calendar app
(a) Fantastical (Mac) - very simple and easy to use
2. Long Term Planning : Use a Task Management App
(a) Todo (Mac) - very easy to use. Has enough detail for flexible planning.
Also cool are features / task entries
(i)for visit website/URL which takes you to website
(ii)drag & drop a task to tags
You can also use Todo (iPad, iPhone) and sync using options
like Todo online, dropbox, Toddledo, iCloud
(b) Toodledo (free, paid subscription) - Web / Device(iPhone/iPad/BlackBerry/Android) based
(c) Things (Mac) - also a simple interface
(d) OmniFocus (Mac)
3. Detailed Planning : Use a Project Planning Software.
MS Projects would be the choice for windows platform.
Here are the Mac software
(a) iTaskX (Mac) - very easy to use
(b) OmniPlan (Mac)
(c) PlanIt (Mac)
(d) xPlan (Mac)
4. Daily Tracking / Notes : Use a Diary/Journal App
This would be for your daily entries and also help to update completion of tasks above
(a) DayOne (Mac)
Also Mac Journal appears to be good but yet to review
Getting Things Done is also a book by David Allen.
Haven't read the book yet but ...
Some of the software claim to incorporate GTD methodology so it may make sense to read the book I think...
Here are the details of above software,sites (don't mind the typos if any):
Software: Fantastical
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $9.99
URL: http://flexibits.com/fantastical
Software: Todo
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $14.99
URL: http://www.appigo.com/todo/mac
Software: Things
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $49.99
URL: http://culturedcode.com/things/?r=100
Software: Toodledo
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Web,devices
Available on App store: No
Price: free, yearly subscription
URL: http://www.toodledo.com
Software: OmniFocus
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $39.99
URL: http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnifocus/
Software: iTaskX
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $119.99
URL: http://www.itaskx.com/software/en/iTaskX2_info.asp
Software: OmniPlan
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $199.99
URL: http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omniplan/
Software: Plan It
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $29.99
URL: http://www.invoax.com
Software: xPlan
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $99.99
URL: http://www.adnx.com/i/apps/xplan4mac
Software: DayOne
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $4.99
URL: http://dayoneapp.com
Software: MacJournal
Platform(Mac/Win/BB/Android): Mac
Available on App store: Yes
Price: $39.99
URL: http://www.marinersoftware.com/products/macjournal/
more later ...?